
What Parents Need to Know about Child Identity Theft

While it may seem like something that can only happen to adults, online identity theft is an issue that affects many children and their parents. As our daily lives become increasingly dependent on technology, our personal information can easily be compromised in the digital realm. Here’s what parents need to know about child identity theft:…

How to Keep Your Child Safe from Abduction

For parents, there is perhaps no scarier thought than facing the abduction of your child. Keeping them safe and out of harm’s way is a top priority. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports that about 115 children are the victims of stereotypical kidnappings. While abductions by complete strangers are rare, they are…

What Parents can do to Prevent Underage Alcohol Abuse

One of the toughest problems that many families with adolescents and teens face is underage drinking. Many kids begin to experiment with alcohol in their early teens, and sadly, it can lead to dangerous and sometimes deadly situations. It’s up to parents to ensure the safe and healthy of their children, so teenage drinking prevention…

5 Ways that the Internet has Changed How we Parent

Parenting in the digital age presents many new challenges for families. Moms and dads of children of all ages now have to worry about the safety of their kids on the Internet, since it’s a tool that we’re increasingly dependent on in our everyday lives. Whether individuals think that the risk is worth the reward,…

5 Ways to Protect Your Teen’s Online Reputation

Teens today are much more technology savvy than their parents, but that doesn’t mean that they’re always being responsible when using that technology. Many parents may be unaware of the information that their children are sharing on the internet, and unfortunately, it can have negative consequences. Here are 5 ways to protect your teen’s online…

Infographic: Family and Teen’s Cyber Security

The Internet is an essential tool in our daily lives, but it’s becoming increasingly complicated for users, due to safety concerns. It poses many dangers that both parents and kids need to be aware of and informed about. From inappropriate content to cyber-bullying to sexting, there are serious issues that all families have to face…

10 Ways to Keep Kids Safe in Crowded Public Places

Taking the family out to a crowded public place can be overwhelming for parents. It’s tough to keep track of all of your belongings and make sure that everyone sticks together. Here are 10 helpful ways to keep kids safe in crowded public places: Designate a Meet-Up Location Once you arrive, take a minute to…

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