
Pros and Cons of Social Media for Teens

We are living in a new time, where teenagers are spending more time on screens than they are on regular games and crafts. Whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or other social media platforms, social media is one of the most significant parts of the life of teenagers today. Embracing digital technology as a way…

5 Best Features of a Private Family Social Networking App

Families today seem to be busier than ever, which can make staying connected and staying on top of one another’s schedules difficult. Rather than relying on social media sites and social apps geared towards chatting and sharing with large groups, opt instead for a secure family network. A private family social networking app is the…

Should Parents Monitor Their Children’s Social Media?

  It’s a question that most parents struggle with at some point: should I monitor my child’s activity on social media sites? The answer, quite simply, is yes. For the safety of your family, it’s important to keep tabs on what your kids are saying, sharing, and doing on social media. With apps designed to…

Positive Effects of Social Media on Your Teen

Much has been made of the negative effects that social media can have on young and impressionable minds. It’s true that social media has the potential to influence teenagers negatively, particularly in the way it might affect their self-esteem. However, although there are dangers to consider when it comes to social media use, there are…

Does the Internet Harm or Help Teen’s Social Skills?

The internet has an impact on all of our lives, but perhaps no group is impacted more than teens. With near constant access to the internet being the reality for today’s youth, it’s no surprise that many parents are concerned. From social media use to exposure to content of all types and kinds, it’s natural…

7 Tips to Tell Your Teens about Selfie Safety

Taking selfies has become commonplace for kids, teens, and adults today. However, there are times and places where selfies just aren’t appropriate or worth the risk, and kids do need to be aware of that. Here are 7 important tips to share with your teen about selfie safety: Keep it appropriate Sometimes a selfie can…

Is Social Media Affecting Your Teens Social Skills?

In the last few years, we have seen an explosion of social media platforms and networking portals such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and MySpace etc. Social media has become one of the most important connectivity tools in today’s age and time. The importance of social media businesses, in the process of growth and development, can…

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