
Should Kids Use Snapchat? Snapchat Safety Tips for Parents

As a parent, you want to protect your child at all times, especially when they’re using the internet. This is often when they’re most at risk because you might feel that you have no control over what they’re doing on apps like Snapchat, and there are certain dangers that come with such platforms. In terms…

How to See What My Kid is Doing Online?

As a parent, how do you decide what is considered an invasion of privacy and what is the right step to take when it comes to monitoring your child? For many parents, knowing how far to go when monitoring their children is an internal conflict – because if you end up going too far, you…

Pros and Cons of Spying on Your Kids’ Phone

All parents want to ensure that their child is safe, and that might lead you to wonder whether you should spy on your kid’s phone. If you know what is going on your kid’s phone, you can learn a lot about their life and make sure that they aren’t in any dangerous situations. Parents need…

11 Reasons Why Kids Should Have Cell Phones

11 Reasons Why Kids Should Have Cell Phones

Cell phones are consistently viewed in a negative light – especially when children are involved. Some parents are mightily against giving their child a phone, while others are more relaxed.  Well, believe it or not, it could be beneficial for your child to own a cell phone. To help explain this, take a look at…

Is Monitoring Your Child’s Phone Good Parenting?

It’s a question that parents didn’t need to ask in the not so distant past, but today, it’s an essential one. Is it a good idea to monitor your child’s cell phone? If you’ve been struggling to figure it out, the answer is yes, for many reasons. Let’s explore why keeping tabs on your kid’s…

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