143 Meaning: Decoding the Numeric Expression of Love

143 Meaning: Decoding the Numeric Expression of Love

The expression “143” holds a deep emotional significance. It is used as an affectionate way to sign off messages and can be used for both youthful affection and something more serious. This leads us to the question of what does 143 mean? Of all of the abbreviations out there, this is perhaps the sweetest. Let’s…

Juvenile Delinquency: Detect and Prevent Crime in Teens

In 2019 there were more than 696,620 arrests made, and they were all juvenile offenders. It’s crucial now more than ever that we take the time to identify what causes juvenile delinquency and figure out ways to prevent it from happening. If you’ve been searching for the answers, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t…

5 Popular Teen Texting Apps and How to Monitor Them?

Teens love texting. It’s a way for them to communicate with their friends when they are not with them and there are many text message apps. But just like you would know which friends your teen is hanging out with, you should know which ones they are using. 84% of teenagers now have their own…

4 Cell Phone Rules for Teens and How to Make Them Obey!

As your child transitions into a teenager, they’re going to want a little more independence and privacy. When it’s finally time to offer them these privileges you know that it’s time for a cell phone. Giving your teenager their first phone is exciting for them but stressful for you. All of their communication is private…

The Best Teen Monitoring Apps Every Parent Needs

In this digital age, many teens have adopted digital devices. While these devices offer many benefits from accessing educational content to connecting with their fellow peers, they have become a concern to parents as they expose the teens to potential risks and content beyond their capacity. In addition to directing them on how to use…

Is Monitoring Your Child’s Phone Good Parenting?

It’s a question that parents didn’t need to ask in the not so distant past, but today, it’s an essential one. Is it a good idea to monitor your child’s cell phone? If you’ve been struggling to figure it out, the answer is yes, for many reasons. Let’s explore why keeping tabs on your kid’s…

How to Protect Your Child from Online Predators?

It’s an unfortunate reality that online predators do exist, and they use a variety of methods to target innocent children. Parents naturally want to protect their kids from threats, and today that includes the many dangers that exist in the online realm. The web plays a prominent role in our daily lives, and that isn’t…

Should Parents Monitor Their Children’s Social Media?

  It’s a question that most parents struggle with at some point: should I monitor my child’s activity on social media sites? The answer, quite simply, is yes. For the safety of your family, it’s important to keep tabs on what your kids are saying, sharing, and doing on social media. With apps designed to…

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